

We’re living in a very anxious world and it’s natural to feel on-edge once in a while. Worry even has a role to play in keeping us alert and out of harm’s way. It’s when those feelings of fear take over and start to interfere with our day-to-day happiness that it’s time to look for support.

Anxiety is different for everyone. Many people living with anxiety experience outward symptoms like dizziness, sweating and shortness of breath while others suffer in silence. Anxiety can make it hard to think straight or get a full night’s sleep. It can prevent people from wanting to seek out or engage in social situations.

Counselling can help by uncovering the causes and triggers of your anxiety. Most importantly, you’ll learn relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help you break free of your anxiety and live a more peaceful life.

Areas of focus include:

  • Generalized Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Social Anxiety

  • Stress Management

  • Relationship Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Are you in a state of constant worry? Does your mind race about everything from your work to your family to your health? Do you feel tense, distracted and unable to sleep more often than not? If these symptoms ring familiar, it’s possible you’re suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

With CBT psychotherapy, you’ll identify the root of your anxiety and how to shift your mindset away from worrying and towards more positive and practical solutions.

Panic Attacks Linked to Anxiety

Have you ever felt a sudden surge of panic or an overwhelming need to escape? Were you so consumed with terror that you couldn’t think straight? Maybe your heart was racing so fast you thought it would thump out of your chest? These are common signs of a panic attack.

Panic attacks can come on quickly and without warning. They can feel so intense that their symptoms — heart palpitations, sweating and shortness of breath — are often mistaken for heart attacks. Panic attacks can be triggered by a phobia or trauma or by something deep in our subconscious. Even though they’re not inherently dangerous, panic attacks can feel very, very scary.

CBT is a trusted and effective technique for treating panic attacks related to anxiety. With guidance and support, you’ll develop a better understanding of your panic attacks and learn practical ways of diffusing them.

Social Anxiety

Humans are social creatures but being in groups doesn’t come easily for everyone. It’s valid and perfectly normal to feel intimidated in large gatherings or anxious about meeting new people.

Therapy can help you process your social anxiety and alleviate the pressure you feel around others. With the right support, you’ll develop the tools to feel more relaxed, confident and engaged in social situations.

Stress Caused By Anxiety

Is life a little too much right now? Does it feel like there just isn’t enough of you to go around? Maybe you’re snapping at loved ones and find yourself losing patience with everyone and everything. If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, you’re not alone.

Stress is a natural part of life, but it can take a toll on our health and relationships if left unchecked. Therapy to treat your anxiety can help you identify your primary stressors and discover effective coping strategies for managing your responsibilities. Balance is possible!

Relationship Anxiety

Are you constantly questioning the state of your relationship? Do you feel insecure about your partner’s feelings towards you? Are your fears of commitment or rejection keeping you from making meaningful connections?

Relationship anxiety is normal, but therapy can help ensure your fears don’t stand in the way of your happiness. In our sessions, you’ll learn to identify and process your relationship anxiety while nurturing your ability to connect with others.

Your better tomorrow can start today.
Ready to make a change?

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